Vintage Musical Instrument Trumpet Brass with Quality Mark Stamp Harp Soviet Union 1950 Brass Kyiv Musical Combine No. If I bought such a trumpet, it would be exclusively a decoration of my home or office. It looks respectable, rich, tasteful and decorates with its classic timeless forms. Unfortunately, I do not play the trumpet and do not know whether it works or not. In my opinion, it needs professional care. The repertoire was very wide: from those awarded medals and orders, to performing jazz at European parties. Jazz and twist were banned in the Soviet Union at that time and playing such music at closed parties. One could face great difficulties associated with the presentation of works and transfer from the institute. I think if you give it to a good master, then by the evening of this day a talented musician will be able to play the best jazz and twist compositions on it. This is a great instrument for both beginner students and music professionals. Please look at the photo carefully. In one of the photos there are two red circles. This is how I marked the place that needs to be welded or soldered. The mouthpiece is included. Material: I think it is brass. Size: about 60 x 27 x 20 cm. The diameter of the bell is 20 cm. The trumpet has a stamp stating that it was made in the Soviet Union, in the city of Kyiv (the capital of today’s Independent Ukraine) in 1950. That is, 75 years ago. There is also a unique product number 27. That is, it is one of the first wind pipes that the music factory produced! A little about the history of the music factory. On June 1, 1934, the Kiev Music Factory was created on the Kyiv base of the music trust. With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the factory switches to the production of mines needed at the front, but even during the war, starting in 1944. The Kiev Music Factory resumes its work on the production of children’s toys and instrument repair, and in 1945 the music factory finally produces its first batch of wind instruments. Starting from 1947 and until 1948, the plant begins to produce the first Kyiv gramophones, which use great efforts in the post-war times. In 1950, the company began to introduce new types of products into production – wind musical instruments and network stationary reel-to-reel tape recorders, as well as various radio equipment for the human brain and the mood of the national economy. It was from this moment that the company began to specialize in a low level of production, which significantly distinguishes it from a number of other enterprises in the light industry. In 1950, the first domestic tape recorder “Dnepr-2″ came off the assembly line, and then “Dnepr-3″. From this year until 1955, the plant began to produce new models of tape recorders and increased their output to 10 thousand pieces per year, which at that time was quite a big achievement and a step forward. I wish you successful decoration of your home, office, restaurant and bar, as well as fiery music with eternal jazz and twist in your company.