PLEASE NOTE: This trumpet has a small 1/3 CHIP in the red laquer where the lead pipe accepts the mouthpiece. The brass is not affected. Pocket Trumpets are great for Marching Band scenarios when you don’t want to march into the person in front of you and destroy your teeth I’ve been there it is no fun! You can also travel with it if you don’t want to bring your full-sized trumpets along or just use it as a practice instrument or bring it back and forth to lessons. This trumpet is in NEW condition with no dents or pitting of any kind! The oly flaw is the tiny paint chip shown in the photos. The Stagg pocket trumpet is high quality and has a robust sound. You will not be disappointed with this amazing powerful little trumpet!! Left hand thumb saddle on the third valve slide for extra grip and ease of marching along with a right hand pinky saddle on the lead pipe! Please check the photos I have pointed to the tiny chip with a green pen. The trumpet has been reduced on price because of this small defect which does not affect playability in any way!! Other than the tiny spot the trumpet is PERFECT and NEW. Nicely made, affordable, great-looking pocket trumpet. This Bb Pocket Trumpet features stainless steel valves and a brass leadpipe, along with a brass bell and body. It features a thumb saddle on the third valve slide, two water keys and includes a 7C silver-plated mouthpiece and a soft case with straps. Case dimensions are 11.02 x 8.66 x 5.51. The instrument is complete workshop tested and has a handsome clear lacquer finish. Pocket trumpet with case and mouthpiece. ” data-truncate-truncated-text=” This Bb Pocket Trumpet features stainless steel valves and a brass leadpipe, along with a brass bell and body. It features a thumb saddle on the third valve slide, two water keys and includes a 7C si. ” style=”box-sizing: inherit; –pr-translate-x: 0; –pr-translate-y: 0; –pr-rotate: 0; –pr-skew-x: 0; –pr-skew-y: 0; –pr-scale-x: 1; –pr-scale-y: 1; –pr-pan-x: ; –pr-pan-y: ; –pr-pinch-zoom: ; –pr-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; –pr-ordinal: ; –pr-slashed-zero: ; –pr-numeric-figure: ; –pr-numeric-spacing: ; –pr-numeric-fraction: ; –pr-ring-inset: ; –pr-ring-offset-width: 0px; –pr-ring-offset-color: #fff; –pr-ring-color: rgba(59,130,246.5); –pr-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 transparent; –pr-ring-shadow: 0 0 transparent; –pr-shadow: 0 0 transparent; –pr-shadow-colored: 0 0 transparent; –pr-blur: ; –pr-brightness: ; –pr-contrast: ; –pr-grayscale: ; –pr-hue-rotate: ; –pr-invert: ; –pr-saturate: ; –pr-sepia: ; –pr-drop-shadow: ; –pr-backdrop-blur: ; –pr-backdrop-brightness: ; –pr-backdrop-contrast: ; –pr-backdrop-grayscale: ; –pr-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; –pr-backdrop-invert: ; –pr-backdrop-opacity: ; –pr-backdrop-saturate: ; –pr-backdrop-sepia: ; margin: 0px 0px 14px; padding: 0px; font-size: 16px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85);>. Case dimensions are 11.02″ x 8.66″ x 5.51. WS-TR247S Series Bb Pocket Trumpet Specifications. Leadpipe material Brass alloy. Bell Material: Brass alloy. Body Material: Brass alloy. Bell Diameter: 4 1/8. Valve Type/Const: Piston/Stainless Steel. Country of origin: China.