Yhostyle=”width:819px;”>. At last my long neck tubaphone with Vega Brackets is ready. Here is my MP3 which is provides a very good audio of this tubaphone. Tell me what you think. This is much better recording than the video. I take a great deal of time perfecting each banjo. Please view all pictures and details at my www site. Notice this is my last tubaphone banjo. I build each one by hand and will be available only if there is enough demand for me to build more than one. So, tell me if you want me to build one for you by special order only. All banjos custom built for you. Thanks for looking at my site. Please contact me if you are serious about my longneckbanjo dot com tubaphone brass /gold banjo. I cannot reduce price any lower. This is comparable to the vega tubaphone with vega band. Vega sells for over five thousand dollars. Price may be subject to increase. Produces excellent price for you if you are want excellent sound. Tone ring made by Rickard Banjos, of Canada. I will provide more details.