The trumpet is in good to very good playable condition. This trumpet was expertly serviced after I acquired it. There are no significant dents, but there may be a few minor dings if you look closely. The finish appears to be nickel plate and mostly present. Some of the finish has been touched up with nickel plating on wear points. The outside of the bell has a very beautiful engraving and the inside is gold wash (a bit faded). All the valves and slides work smoothly. One of the rotary valve stops, originally cork, has been replaced with a rubber stop. The compression seems to be fine. I make no claims about the valve alignment, but it seems to play fine for me. This trumpet has a very easy high register. The lower register will benefit from a moderate to large cup mouthpiece like a Bach 1C (in my opinion). Please note, this trumpet has a mouthpiece receiver that is not a modern standard. The mouthpiece receiver opening is 0.41 inches, close to a flugelhorn size. However, flugelhorn mouthpieces in general may have too deep a cup for this trumpet. Be aware that there are several flugelhorn and cornet shank “standards”. The Bach style (small morse taper) flugelhorn and cornet mouthpieces seem to work best with this trumpet. Included is a European style hard case with working latches and a key to lock it.