This is a clone/copy/look alike of unknown origin for your consideration. It is an excellent functioning trumpet that has been reconditioned to ensure total reliability throughout its daily use for years to come and would make an excellent marching/pep band horn for someone not wanting to take their concert horn out on the field or in the stands. It plays nicely with a solid core sound. It does contain an assortment of scratches, dings, and lots of finish wear. It has been ultrasonically cleaned, flushed, and all worn valve guides, stem felts, top cap felts, valve springs and water key corks have been replaced. All tuning slides have received new grease, and all three valves have been oiled. All braces are tight and secure. This silver Bach reproduction/clone comes in a reproduction of a Bach style hard case, and also with a Bach 7C mouthpiece. Please be sure to view all pictures for a complete representation of this written description. Thank you for looking. Get images that make Supersized seem small. Track Page Views With.