Lot of Finger Buttons for various brass instruments and various brands, total of 57 New and 35 used. Labeled items are brand new and include. 5 – K319 finger buttons/ pearl for Cleveland cornet/trumpet. 2 – A330 Universal for Sousaphone & Tuba, Conn & PanAmerican 6×40 thread. 2 – B717 for Bach TR500 Bb trumpet. 1 – S277N for Bach TR300 trumpet. 3 – A 324 Universal for Baritone, King, Olds and others 8×32 thread. 14 – A320 Universal for trumpet, Getzen, Conn & Olds 8×32 thread. 2 – JP11-P042 for Jupiter JTR700 trumpet. 12 – A322 Universal for Holton Cornet/Trumpet 6×32 thread. 5 – BM114 for Blessing B121 Cornet & B125 Scolastic Trumpet. 2 – JP11-P107 Metal for Jupiter JTR1100 & JTR1200 sBb Trumpet. 4 – H372 for Holton T602 Collegiate Trumpet. 2 – JP11-P042 for Jupiter JTR700. The used buttons are not labeled and are unidentified. Catalog numbers are Allied Repair Parts numbers.